Helium Leak Testing
Helium Leak testing is performed to detect and locate leaks in
- The pressure increase in a vacuum - reservoir
- Pressure decrease in pressure - tank
This is inclusive of welded, brazed, adhesion-bonded and other assemblies.
The requirement of leak testing is quantized by the maximum allowable leak rate.
TCR Advanced
Helium Leak Testing
instrument has an approximate capacity of 10 m3/h (7 cfm) with usable helium sensitivity in the 10-11 range. The unit has a dedicated sniffing unit, based on a well-proven leak testing concept, and is also available for outboard leak testing applications. The leak rate value is 1 mbar l/s if in a vacuum-reservoir with a volume of one liter, the pressure rises in one second about one mbar or in a pressure-reservoir it drops about one mbar in one second.Helium Leak Testing Graph: